OMG! Designer cria looks de festa para cada Princesa da Disney

Sim, mais uma coleção das Princesas! Mas a gente garante que essa é bem incrível ;)

Por Débora Romanini Atualizado em 31 out 2024, 22h09 - Publicado em 12 fev 2017, 18h30

Fãs das Princesas da Disney: se preparem! Depois de ver as versões adolescentes e red carpet das nossas amadas personagens, chegou a hora de conferir mais uma coleção inspirada nelas. O estilista norte-americano Michael Anthony desenhou looks de festa para cada princesa baseado nas personalidades delas. Olha só:

Merida, ~toda valente~ ganhou um vestido-calça, que é estiloso e confortável ao mesmo tempo. Amamos muito!

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New Mini collection…. Couture Disney Princesses. MERIDA from Brave #disney #disneyprincess #disneyprincesses #princess #merida #disneysbrave #fashion #fashionillustration #illustration #art #style #fashiondesigner #sketch #green #gown #plaid #brave #gown #michaelanthony #madesigns @disney @thedisneyprincesses @gjb215

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A Pocahontas ganhou um vestido com cauda de sereia e pelinhos. Muito glamour!

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New mini collection Couture Disney Princesses. First up Pocahontas #disney #disneyprincess #disneyprincesses #princess #phocahontas #disneysphocahontas #fashion #fashionillustration #illustration #art #style #fashiondesigner #sketch #fur #gown #turquoise #tan #suade #michaelanthony #madesigns @disney @thedisneyprincesses @gjb215

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Já queremos esse cropped com calça flare da Jasmine.

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Mini collection…. Couture Disney Princesses. Jasmine from Aladin #disney #disneyprincess #disneyprincesses #princess #jasmine #disneysaladdin #fashion #fashionillustration #illustration #art #style #fashiondesigner #sketch #turquoise #gown #cape #gold #turquoise #jumpsuit #michaelanthony #madesigns @disney @thedisneyprincesses @gjb215 @trendsketches @fashionartists_gallery

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A Rapunzel ganhou um vestido de comprimento mídi – a barra termina na metade da panturrilha, perfeito para um look de festa moderninho.

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Mini collection…. Couture Disney Princesses. Rapunzel from Tangled #disney #disneyprincess #disneyprincesses #princess #rapunzel #disneystangled #sleepingbeauty #fashion #fashionillustration #illustration #art #style #fashiondesigner #sketch #pink #gown #purple #flowers #floral #floralprint #gown #michaelanthony #madesigns @disney @thedisneyprincesses @gjb215

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Outra que ganhou um vestido mídi foi a Branca de Neve, e nós amamos esse detalhe de corrente com moranguinhos na cintura.

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New Mini collection…. Couture Disney Princesses. SNOW WHITE #disney #disneyprincess #disneyprincesses #princess #snowwhite #disneyssnowwhite #fashion #fashionillustration #illustration #art #style #fashiondesigner #sketch #yellow #gown #blue #red #gown #michaelanthony #madesigns @disney @thedisneyprincesses @gjb215

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O que é esse degradê do macacão da Mulan? Totalmente incrível!

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New Mini collection…. Couture Disney Princesses. MULAN #disney #disneyprincess #disneyprincesses #princess #mulan #disneysmulan #fashion #fashionillustration #illustration #art #style #fashiondesigner #sketch #pink #gown #chinese #gold #choker #gown #michaelanthony #madesigns @disney @thedisneyprincesses @gjb215

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A fenda e o decote lacrador do vestido da Tiana poderiam ter saído do guarda-roupa da diva Rihanna.

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New Mini collection…. Couture Disney Princesses. TIANA from The Princess and the Frog #disney #disneyprincess #disneyprincesses #princess #tiana #disneystheprincessandthefrog #fashion #fashionillustration #illustration #art #style #fashiondesigner #sketch #green #gown #lilies #gold #yellow #gown #michaelanthony #madesigns @disney @thedisneyprincesses @gjb215

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Sereísmo total nesse look da Ariel. Hahaha! Não faltou nem o holográfico.

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New Mini collection…. Couture Disney Princesses. ARIEL from The Little Mermaid #disney #disneyprincess #disneyprincesses #princess #ariel #thelittlemermaid #disneysthelittlemermaid #littlemermaid #fashion #fashionillustration #illustration #art #style #fashiondesigner #sketch #sequin #gown #mermaid #mermaidgown #green #purple #michaelanthony #madesigns @disney @thedisneyprincesses @gjb215

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De Bela Adormecida para lacradora da festa. Nós estamos apaixonadas por esse vestido (maravilhoso) da Aurora.

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Mini collection…. Couture Disney Princesses. Aurora from Sleeping Beauty #disney #disneyprincess #disneyprincesses #princess #aurora #disneyssleepingbeauty #sleepingbeauty #fashion #fashionillustration #illustration #art #style #fashiondesigner #sketch #pink #gown #blue #gold #shorthair #shorthairdontcare #gown #michaelanthony #madesigns @disney @thedisneyprincesses @gjb215

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+ 7 looks das passarelas que poderiam ser de personagens da Disney

O vestido da Elsa é realmente de uma diva da realeza – ou digno de desfile de Alta-Costura!

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Mini Collection..Disney Princesses. Elsa from Frozen. Anna is coming tomorrow. And yes I know Elsa is a Queen lol but had alot of requests #disney #disneyprincess #disneyprincesses #princess #frozen #disneysfrozen #sleepingbeauty #fashion #fashionillustration #illustration #art #style #fashiondesigner #sketch #sequin #gown #blue #silver #elsafrozen #elsa #gown #michaelanthony #madesigns @disney @thedisneyprincesses @gjb215

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Amamos essa transparência e movimento da saia da Anna!

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Mini collection…. Couture Disney Princesses. Anna from Frozen #disney #disneyprincess #disneyprincesses #princess #anna #disneysfrozen #fashion #fashionillustration #illustration #art #style #fashiondesigner #sketch #turquoise #gown #fur #braids #blue #gown #michaelanthony #madesigns @disney @thedisneyprincesses @gjb215 @trendsketches @fashionartists_gallery

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Não esperávamos nada menos para o vestido amarelo icônico da Bela. Arrasando total!

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Mini collection…. Couture Disney Princesses. BELLE from Beauty and the Beast #disney #disneyprincess #disneyprincesses #princess #belle #disneysbeautyandthebeast #beautyandthebeast #emmawatson #fashion #fashionillustration #illustration #art #style #fashiondesigner #sketch #yellow #gown #cape #gold #roses #gown #michaelanthony #madesigns @disney @thedisneyprincesses @gjb215 @trendsketches @fashionartists_gallery @emmawatson @beautyandthebeast

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É impossível não morrer de amores por esse look da Cinderela – queremos essa saia volumosa já! Blake Lively, é você?

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New Mini collection…. Couture Disney Princesses. Cinderella #disney #disneyprincess #disneyprincesses #princess #cinderella #disneysphocahontas #fashion #fashionillustration #illustration #art #style #fashiondesigner #sketch #lace #gown #blue #babyblue #gown #michaelanthony #madesigns @disney @thedisneyprincesses

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A gente não consegue decidir qual é o nosso preferido! E você? Conta pra gente nos comentários!

