Kylie Jenner arrasa em editorial de moda inspirado na Barbie

E tudo com muitooooo pink!

Por Débora Romanini Atualizado em 31 out 2024, 21h46 - Publicado em 12 Maio 2017, 18h19

Kylie Jenner é uma daquelas celebs que vive nos surpreendendo – seja pelas várias (várias mesmo!) mudanças no cabelo ou anunciando seu próprio reality show. Dessa vez, para um ensaio de moda da revista americana Flaunta it girl se jogou no mundo pink da Barbie, com direito à casa de boneca e tudo! Olha só:

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excited to be apart of #thecadenceissue @flauntmagazine

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Tudo rosa, tudinho mesmo – das peças de roupas e acessórios às espreguiçadeiras.

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SO MANY MARGARITAS, SO LITTLE FEELING FEATURING @KYLIEJENNER from #thecadenceissue #flauntinprint | Photographed by @brendanforbes styled by @missjilljacobs . @bunnyholiday swimsuit, @charlotte_olympia shoes, @themjewelers necklace, @chanelofficial bracelet, and @glossthelabel sunglasses. . Hair: @tokyostylez. Makeup: @makeupbyariel

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O conjuntinho candy color ficou lindo na boneca, ops… Kylie.

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barbie world 🎀

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Lacradora, apenas!

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SO MANY MARGARITAS, SO LITTLE FEELING FEATURING @KYLIEJENNER from #thecadenceissue #flauntinprint | Photographed by @brendanforbes styled by @missjilljacobs . @bunnyholiday top, hat, and backpack, @lainarauma swimsuit, and @manoloblahnikhq shoes. . Hair: @tokyostylez. Makeup: @makeupbyariel

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SO MANY MARGARITAS, SO LITTLE FEELING FEATURING @KYLIEJENNER from #thecadenceissue #flauntinprint | Photographed by @brendanforbes styled by @missjilljacobs . @lainarauma swimsuit, @vanessamooney earrings, and talents own rings. . Hair: @tokyostylez. Makeup: @makeupbyariel

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Até as calças da Juicy Couturebem populares nos anos 2000, apareceram no ensaio.

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SO MANY MARGARITAS, SO LITTLE FEELING FEATURING @KYLIEJENNER from #thecadenceissue #flauntinprint | Photographed by @brendanforbes styled by @missjilljacobs . @danielleguizio top and @juicycouture sweatpants. . Hair: @tokyostylez. Makeup: @makeupbyariel

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Ficou demais, né?
