Jovem é estuprada na cidade em que estava promovendo campanha contra estupro

Não é coincidência. É crime!

Por Isabella Otto Atualizado em 1 nov 2024, 14h01 - Publicado em 8 jan 2016, 16h30

Faz semanas que aconteceu, mas isso não diminui a importância de se discutir o assunto. Amber Amour é uma ativista de 27 anos que estava na Cidade do Cabo, na África do Sul, para participar da campanha Stop Rape. Educate! (“Parem o estupro. Eduquem!”), que estava sendo disseminada ao redor do mundo, em uma espécie de world tour humanitária.

Durante sua estadia, Amour foi visitar um amigo em um hostel e encontrou um antigo conhecido, com quem já havia ficado. Ele a convidou para tomar uma chuveirada e ela foi, pois estava doente e a água do lugar onde estava hospedada era gelada. ” Eu disse sim porque a água do chuveiro do meu hostel era muito gelada, e, depois de dois dias doente, eu só queria tomar um banho quente “, afirmou a ativista em sua postagem no Instagram, que você confere logo abaixo.

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It was only a few minutes ago but sometimes these things happen so fast it's hard to remember all the details…. I've been sick for the past 2 days and today was my first day out. I went back to my old hostel to leave a note for a friend, Nick. There was another guy there, Shakir, who was desperately trying to get with me. I kissed him once but he seemed drunk so I told him it was bad timing, I had already met someone. Before heading out, I went upstairs to say hi to one more friend, Clyde from the states. Shakir followed me upstairs and said he was going to take a shower. He invited me to join. I said yes because the water at my current hostel is pretty cold and after 2 days of being sick, I just really wanted a hot shower. As soon as I got in the bathroom, he forced me to my knees. I said "stop!" but he just got more violent. He lifted me up and put his penis in my vagina. I asked him to stop, again, as I began to cry. When he shoved it in my ass, that's when I passed out. I woke up a few minutes later and saw him trying to creep out the door. When he saw that I was awake, he came back to finish me off in the shower. I have all those fucked up feelings that we get after rape…shame, disgust, suffering. I'm here, alone, and any DNA has been wiped away in the shower. The South African police will just roll their eyes when I walk in. Feeling sicker than ever now. Needless today, I'm going to disappear for a bit. Just need to enjoy the freaking sun and call my friends and family in the states. Love you guys. Thank you for always being there for me. All the more reason to continue @stoprapeeducate but not today. Today, I need rest. #StopRapeEducate

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No banho, o cara forçou uma situação que não existia. “Eu só queria tomar banho(…) Ele forçou as minhas pernas, e eu pedi para ele parar. Mas ele só ficou mais violento “, desabafa Amber, que foi abusada sexualmente por esse antigo colega. “Eu pedi para ele parar, de novo, e comecei a chorar(…) Eu desmaiei e acordei alguns minutos depois(…) Eu estou sentindo um monte de coisas ruins no momento… Vergonha, nojo, sofrimento”, relata a jovem na postagem que publicou logo após o caso de estupro, que foi denunciado à polícia africana.

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My view of the rape kit. Thank you all for being so loving & supportive during this time. Your messages pushed me to take action and to stand up for myself and for all rape survivors. For those who wish to BLAME ME or any other survivor out there, I want you to know that you are the very reason that I am so brutally honest. I could have hidden details. I could have kept some info to myself, but NO. You need to know the truth and to see the reality of the situation. No matter what a person does, it is not an invitation for rape. It doesn't matter if I kissed him. It doesn't matter if he was drunk. It doesn't matter if I said yes to a shower. I never said he could get violent with me. I never said he could make me bleed. I never said he could rape me. But still, that's how the scene went down. I don't need to explain myself but if you're wondering WHY I took a shower with him, it was written in the text, I'd been sick with food poisoning for 2 days and needed to sweat it out. My current place of residence has only cold water (third world problems are real!) and it seemed like a miracle to be offered a hot shower. That's not what he was there for though, because as soon as he got a chance, he threw me to the ground and had his way. Dealing with rape is hard enough but the aftermath is often even more traumatic but I did this for you and I did this for me. The US Embassy and the South African police are super supportive and he may be arrested as soon as this week. Thank you for the love. And for the victim blamers, I send love, peace, and enlightenment to you so that you may be a beacon of light for us, too. #StopRapeEducate #AmberAmour #AmberTheActivist #SouthAfrica #humanitarian #healing #education #africa #survivor #sexualassault #recovery #victimblaming #overcome #rapeculture #staystrong

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Continua após a publicidade

A história voltou à tona na última quarta, 6, quando uma entrevista com a ativista foi publicada na Marie Claire UK . Nela, Amour revive o caso e explica porque decidiu postar o desabafo na rede social. “Eu sabia que tinha que praticar o que pregava. A primeira coisa que fiz foi tirar uma foto minha e escrever um post descrevendo o que havia acontecido “, afirmou.

Amber Amour é uma feminista bastante conhecida no Instagram, que luta ativamente pelos direitos das mulheres serem livres. O caso gerou polêmica, pois muitos internautas alegam que ela não deveria nem sequer ter aceitado o convite do rapaz. A ativista, entretanto, não se arrepende da decisão. ” Não importa se eu o beijei algum dia. Não importa se ele estava bêbado. Não importa se eu disse sim para um banho. Eu nunca disse que ele poderia me violentar . Eu nunca disse que ele poderia me fazer sangrar”.

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I posted this picture in September 2015, before getting raped on the #StopRapeEducate World Tour. I thought this message was worthy of a repost in the name of @creatingconsentculture ⭐️ As much as I want to feel strong and happy about the new year, I've been feeling a little sick and triggered since I came back to Cape Town on January 1st to help with the police investigation. I think I'll feel better when I leave for Namibia this Thursday… 🌺 I'd like to remind everyone that every survivor has their own way of coping. I feel different everyday. Just because I focus on healing doesn't mean I'm not sad. That's precisely WHY I am working on feeling better. I only say this because it's time we stop painting pictures of what trauma survivors look like. Let's accept everyone and their own unique healing methods. As long as it's helpful, that's all that matters! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #supportsurvivors #heforshe #girlpower #yesallwomen #humanrights #feminism #feminist #peace #peaceandlove #allmencan #makeadifference #bethechange #amberamour #ambertheactivist #bodypositive #lgbt #lgbtq #queer #hippiechick #namaste #effyourbeautystandards #peaceonearth #notaskingforit #peace #love #CreatingConsentCulture #consentculture #HealingWithAmber

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Continua após a publicidade

Recentemente, Amber publicou uma matéria no Huffington Post Women UK , esclarecendo mais uma fez o ocorrido. “Ao mesmo tempo em que quero me sentir forte e feliz neste novo ano, eu venho me sentindo doente desde que voltei da Cidade do Cabo, no dia 1º de janeiro, para ajudar a polícia com as investigações”, escreveu a ativista, que retornou para Nova York, cidade onde mora, e, após todos esses meses, continua buscando por justiça. ” #PareComACulturaDoEstupro porque mesmo que eu esteja nua, eu continuo ‘não pedindo’. Meu corpo é meu! “, salienta Amour.

Compactuar com a cultura do estupro é compactuar com o crime. Isso precisa parar!
