A cachorrinha Secret é mais esperta (e fofa) que muitos de nós

É sério. Você já viu um cachorro tocar piano, fazer ioga e até arrumar a própria mala sozinha?

Por Da Redação Atualizado em 31 out 2024, 22h02 - Publicado em 4 mar 2017, 13h30

Quem tem um cachorro de estimação sabe como esses animaizinhos são inteligentes e vivem nos surpreendendo. E como não morrer de fofura quando você tenta ensinar um truque simplezinho para o pet e ele realmente aprende? Então deve ser bem difícil para a Mary, uma australiana de 16 anos, lidar com a sua cachorrinha de 2 anos, a Secret, sem querer enchê-la de beijos o tempo todo. É que não basta ser fofa, ela ainda sabe dançar, pintar, fazer ginástica, andar de patinete, colocar a roupa para lavar e fazer mais um montão de coisas. Prepara o coração e vem conhecer a Secret.

Apostamos que ela faz esta pose de ioga (ou doga, que é a ioga dos cachorrinhos) melhor do que muita gente. Sente só o equilíbrio da filhote!

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Did a little two person doga this morning😊💕The second position has taken so much time for her to slowly build up the balance and strength she currently has for it❤ I love doing two person doga so much, we really have to work together to balance😊💖 It was a great warm up for a full day of hiking and a long evening of agility classes😄 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow my Pawtners @bluebearaussie @lilly.the.aussie

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Que tal estes exercícios aqui? Até peso de academia a Secret segura.

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It was a morning well spent!😊❤ Usually when she does doga it's by herself, but I did it with her today and added in some weight lifting (she loves the weights so much, she'd carry them around all day if I didn't put them away😂) and then she did a little trust fall at the end💕😄 #doga #yoga ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow my Pawtners @borderaussiebodey @sassyandsila @lilly.the.aussie @bluebearaussie

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Ela também sabe se divertir sozinha. Gosta tanto de escorregar na neve que até leva seu próprio equipamento montanha acima.

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Just arrived in Iowa for the Christmas holidays!😊❤️ We haven't been doing much but playing outside since we arrived!😅 This was Secrets first time sledding on her own, she loves skateboarding and I think this felt very similar to her!😄💗 She really seems to enjoy it!💕 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Follow my Pawtners @lilly.the.aussie @bluebearaussie @aussie.dream

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Dança? Secret segue direitinho os passos da dona.


A cachorrinha também se arrisca no ping pong.

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We've been playing a lot of dog version ping pong here since my relatives have a ton of ping pong equipment😄 Secret has been really into it, especially since it's getting to be to hot to do much of anything outside. lol she has such a look of focus on her face😂 I think 11 back and fourth might be our new record of how many times we can hit it back and fourth before one of us hits it way off course😂😄💖 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow my Pawtners @borderaussiebodey @sassyandsila @lilly.the.aussie @bluebearaussie

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E até arruma a própria malinha para viajar. Awww.

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Packing her things, and packing herself😂 Our family is heading out on a short trip for the weekend tomorrow morning! We don't know exactly where were going yet, but that's just how it works around here😅😄 I'm so excited! I'm sure Secret will have a blast going anywhere new!😊💗 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow my Pawtners @borderaussiebodey @sassyandsila @lilly.the.aussie @bluebearaussie

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Você está aí achando que arrasou no trabalho que entregou para a professora de artes? Então o que nos diz sobre esta obra abstrata da Secret, que ela fez com as próprias mãos… ou melhor, com a boquinha.

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Secret and the painting she did tonight😊😍 We haven't painted in a while, and I forgot how much I love watching her paint😊💗 I'm in love with the color scheme, I set the tubes of paint colors in a row and asked her to "go bring one" each time she was finished painting the previous color, so really she was the one to pick it out💗😄 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @borderaussiebodey @lilly.the.aussie @sassyandsila @bluebearaussie

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Quando a Mary precisa dar aquela faxina na casa, a Secret não fica só olhando, não.

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Helping out with the sweeping😊💗 I just taught her this a couple days ago, for a little break from all the more complicated behaviors we're working on😄 This makes me so nostalgic, I can remember so well when she was just 9 or so weeks old and her version of helping out with sweeping was grabbing the dust pan and running around with it😂 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow my Pawtners @borderaussiebodey @sassyandsila @lilly.the.aussie @bluebearaussie

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Imagine que amor você estar fazendo suas lições e avistar sua cachorrinha vindo com uma lata de refrigerante geladinha para você!

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I set up the camera in the kitchen to try and capture what she's been doing all week, and I did😂 As you can see, she's just wandering randomly around and all the sudden decides to bring me a drink without me asking, she's been doing it all week, she did it again about half an hour later than this, and since she had taken all the sodas out previously, she actually brought me a jar of relish😂 She does it especially when I am doing something like playing the piano or studying, basically whenever I'm not paying attention to her😂❤ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow my Pawtners @borderaussiebodey @lilly.the.aussie @sassyandsila @bluebearaussie

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E como lidar com a fofura da Secret tentando tocar piano?

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Secret helping me play heart and soul😂 she's such a goof. This morning was our first time playing side by side, lol I finally have someone to play duets with, nobody else will humor me😅 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow my Pawtners @borderaussiebodey @sassyandsila @mksdoggyoverload @lilly.the.aussie @bluebearaussie

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Para completar, ela ainda se importa com o planeta mais que muitos seres humanos e joga o lixo no lugar certo!

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Helping to clean up a spill😄 It's been so long since she's done this behavior, I get nostalgia when I think how much younger she was when I first taught her it😊💗 @my_berner_girl this could be good one to teach Rumor! she's already got a bunch of the prerequisites down for it!😁 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow my Pawtners @borderaussiebodey @lilly.the.aussie @sassyandsila @bluebearaussie

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É muita fofura, né? Ainda bem que a Mary compartilha a vida da Secret no Instagram para a gente ficar morrendo de amores! 
