Instagrammer mostra pele com espinhas e lacra com post inspirador

A australiana mostrou para as seguidoras que para ser bonita, basta estar feliz!

Por Amábile Reis Atualizado em 1 nov 2024, 13h05 - Publicado em 24 out 2016, 16h32

Provavelmente, você já entrou no feed do Instagram de alguma blogueira e encontrou por lá looks lacradores, nail arts perfeitas e, makes baphos, né? E, embora todos os cliques sejam lindos de viver, nem sempre é tão fácil assim se relacionar com estes posts no dia a dia.

Por isso, amamos quando a digital influencer Beck Lomas, da Australia, dividiu com as suas seguidoras uma foto sem maquiagem, com a aparência de algumas espinhas, e, mesmo assim, superconfiante!

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Haven't done a post like this in a while, so here goes. THIS is my current situation. A pimply, bleeding, sore face. It doesn't look THAT bad, but it feels prettttty bad. My skin will always be a journey in itself, I don't think I will ever be one of those girls who feels completely okay without makeup, but that's fine. Even when my skin is at it's best, which does happen sometimes, when I don't have any big angry pimples and everything looks quite smooth, I'm still a little self conscious… I feel like I can't wear singlets or backless tops because my skin on my back is still quite bad, which kind of upsets me. But just because I'm not completely confident with my skin, doesn't mean I'm not a confident person. I've come a long way from the girl who used to cry every single night about the way her skin looked. These days my skin is just a minor downer for me sometimes. This post is just to show you all that you should be confident despite your little flaws. We all have things that kill our confidence a little sometimes, no one is completely perfect, and something that might seem like the end of the world for you, may go unnoticed by everyone else. Happy people are the most beautiful people, and i know it's hard to feel happy when you're focusing on your imperfections- but I just want to let you all know that you are beautiful EVEN if you have acne, or bacne, or cellulite, or your thighs touch or you've got stretch marks. You beautiful and unique and amazing as you are, and being confident and happy and that will shine through and make you even more beautiful! THESE 👆🏼 are my imperfections, they make me sad sometimes but they're not who I am, and they aren't going to kill my confidence, so don't let your imperfections kill your confidence! ✨

A post shared by BECK LOMAS (@becklomas) on

A jovem de 22 anos fez um relato sobre a sua pele. “Não faço um post assim faz um tempo, então vamos lá… ESTA é a minha atual situação. Um rosto machucado, com sangue e espinhas”, ela começou.

“Eu melhorei muito perto da garota que chorava todas as noites porque a minha pele é assim. Hoje em dia, isto é apenas um pequeno problema para mim às vezes. Este post é apenas para mostrar a vocês a serem confiantes apesar de suas pequenas falhas”, continuou.

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Haven't posted a makeup free selfie in a while, so I thought I would post one to remind you all that not everyone with a large social media following has the perfect life with perfect skin and perfect everything- but not everyone chooses to show both sides- and that's okay! I get a lot of perks from my account and I do promote certain products I love from time to time, but I don't make a living off my Instagram , I work 3 part time jobs in order to get by, but for the ones that can do it full time and earn a comfortable living, its understandable why they may only show you the perfect side of their lives- and there is nothing wrong with that, it's how they make money, Much like when you or I go to work, we are representing whoever we are working for, so we want to look good, just like them- whether they're fashion bloggers or travel bloggers, their brand is themselves, it's their job and the better they look, the more people are going to want to work with them. The beauty of social media though is we can choose to unfollow people if we feel the need. But when it comes down to it it's important to just appreciate certain accounts for what they are- sometimes I love scrolling through big accounts that's have beautiful photos, and yes I do get quite envious of them, but I also love my account because I like to feel like I'm a little different to the rest of them. Yes my photos may not be as beautiful, or as high quality as most other girls, my body might not be as toned, my skin isn't as nice and my eyebrows aren't as "on fleek", but what I do have that a lot of other accounts don't is the fact that I will literally show you every single side to my life- good, bad, pretty, not-so pretty…. Because I want every girl, regardless of their shape, size, or appearance to be able to come to my account a feel determined, inspired and motivated, but most of all I want people to be able to come to my account and feel good about themselves. And as long as I can do that I feel like im making a difference

A post shared by BECK LOMAS (@becklomas) on

A australiana ainda disse: “Pessoas felizes são as pessoas mais lindas, e eu sei que é difícil se sentir feliz quando você fica focada em suas ‘imperfeições’ – mas, eu quero que todas saibam que vocês são lindas embora tenham acne, celulite, coxas grossas ou estrias. Você é linda e única e incrível como você é, e ser confiante e feliz vão fazer que você fique ainda mais bonita”.

Uma lágrima escorreu aqui de emoção…

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“Estas são as minhas imperfeições, elas me deixam triste às vezes mas elas não me definem e não vão acabar com a minha confiança, então não deixe que as suas imperfeições matem a sua confiança”. Que imperfeição, Beck???   

Aliás, Beck entrou no time da youtuber Em Ford, do canal My Pale Skin. Em 2015, a inglesa fez um vídeo a fim de responder os comentários maldosos deixados em suas fotos por haters por causa de suas espinhas.

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Na época, a it-girl precisava lidar com mensagens de ódio, como “você é nojenta”,  e decidiu mostrar como o bullying refletia em sua autoestima. Veja:

Elas arrasaram na mensagem inspiradora, hein! <3 
