E se os personagens clássicos dos desenhos animados ficassem velhinhos?

Para um ilustrador americano, eles continuariam tão fofos quanto são de verdade

Por Gabriel Justo Atualizado em 4 nov 2024, 14h20 - Publicado em 22 set 2015, 18h10

Mickey e Minnie “nasceram” em 1928, a Margarida em 1940, assim como a dupla Tom e Jerry. Apesar de terem passado por algumas mudanças ao longo dos anos, eles continuam com a mesma carinha de antes – ao contrário dos nossos avós que, né, envelheceram. Já pensou se os personagens tivessem envelhecido também?

Foi o que o ilustrador americano Andrew Tarusov pensou ao desenhar os personagens clássicos dos desenhos animados velhinhos. E ficou muito fofo! Olha só!

Mickey e Minnie Mouse

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I imagine, what it look like if cartoon characters got old as an ordinary movie stars. Each of them had a long and complicated life. #disney #mickeymouse #buggsbunny #donald #goofy #cartoon #animation #fun #forfun #tomandjerry

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I imagine, what it look like if cartoon characters got old as an ordinary movie stars. Each of them had a long and complicated life. #disney #mickeymouse #buggsbunny #donald #goofy #cartoon #animation #fun #forfun #tomandjerry

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I imagine, what it look like if cartoon characters got old as an ordinary movie stars. Each of them had a long and complicated life #disney #mickeymouse #buggsbunny #donald #goofy #cartoon #animation #fun #forfun #tomandjerry

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I imagine, what it look like if cartoon characters got old as an ordinary movie stars. Each of them had a long and complicated life. #disney #mickeymouse #buggsbunny #donald #goofy #cartoon #animation #fun #forfun #tomandjerry

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I imagine, what it look like if cartoon characters got old as an ordinary movie stars. Each of them had a long and complicated life. #disney #mickeymouse #buggsbunny #donald #goofy #cartoon #animation #fun #forfun #tomandjerry

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Pápa Léguas e Coiote

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I imagine, what it look like if cartoon characters got old as an ordinary movie stars. #disney #mickeymouse #buggsbunny #donald #goofy #cartoon #animation #fun #forfun #tomandjerry

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Pernalonga e Lola Bunny

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I imagine, what it look like if cartoon characters got old as an ordinary movie stars. Each of them had a long and complicated life. #disney #mickeymouse #buggsbunny #donald #goofy #cartoon #animation #fun #forfun #tomandjerry

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